QuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit 50 ml -20C


Regular Price CA$1,015.00 Special Price CA$862.75

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Isolation of DNA from FFPE samples for PCR-based analysis, e.g., microsatellite detection, SNP detection, tumor heterogeneity studies, copy number detection, methylation analysis, and Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis

The analysis of nucleic acid from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens is challenging due to the extensive cross-linking of all tissue components during the fixation process. These challenges include chemical modification of the DNA, cross-linking of DNA with other molecules, degradation of the DNA, and the limited amount of nucleic acid in the samples.

The QuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit is a fast, simple, and inexpensive method for preparing genomic DNA for PCR amplification from archival samples (Fig. 1). The protocol requires only heat treatment to melt the paraffin, lyse the cells, decrease the fomalin-induced cross-linking in the sample, and degrade compounds inhibitory to amplification. Following heat treatment, the sample DNA is ready for PCR (Figs. 2 and 3).

Fast: PCR-ready DNA in minutes, not days
Simple: No spin columns or transfer steps which helps increase yields
Compatible: Extracted DNA is compatible with both real-time and endpoint PCR
Safe: No xylene or phenol extractions used

Note: This product is only intended for PCR- and qPCR-based applications. If DNA is required for other molecular biology applications, consider the MasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit.

Store the QuickExtract FFPE DNA Extraction Solution at –20°C in a freezer without a defrost cycle. Minimize the number of freeze/thaw cycles. Thawed extraction solution can be stored at 4°C for 1 month or refrozen in small aliquots.

Quality Control:
The QuickExtract FFPE DNA Extraction Kit is function-tested by assaying for a PCR product from DNA extracted from a slide-mounted, FFPE tissue slice.

Contaminating Activity Assays:
The QuickExtract FFPE DNA Extraction Solution is free of detectable RNase, exonuclease, and endonuclease activities.

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