sbeadex™ SAB Highly cost-effective alternative to AMPure XP beads in PCR and NGS clean-up and size selection applications.Effective clean-up in amplification and NGS applications with removal of salts, buffers, primers, adaptors, adaptor dimers,Highly eff


Regular Price CA$554.00 Special Price CA$470.90

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sbeadex sequencing applications beads (SAB) presents the new generation of size selection and clean-up beads. These beads play an important role in the purification of DNA, size selection, library preparation, clean-up steps and PCR amplification processes in NGS workflows. sbeadex SAB provides excellent performance in terms of distinct size selection (200-700 bp), DNA quantity, DNA quality, time per run and clean-up steps”

  • Highest performance in size selection (200-700 bp)
  • Efficient clean-up in amplification processes (removal of salts, primers, adapters)
  • Automation friendly - follows same protocol as established competitors
  • Flexibility in bulks sizes and protocol steps
  • Best performance in comparison to common alternatives
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