The MiniMix 100 P CC is made for the blending of small samples. The patented adjustable blending power enables optimal bacterial extraction, and can be adapted to the nature of the sample. The MiniMix 100 P CC is equipped with patented Click & Clean click-on paddles that allow full access to the blending chamber for cleaning.
- Optimal blending volume: 5 - 80 mL
- Variable speed: 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 strokes/second
- Variable blending time: 1 second - 1 hour or ∞
- Click & Clean click-on paddles
The MiniMix is ideal for the preparation of small test portions (ESB, biopsies, organ sampling) for further analysis of HPLC or GCMS for toxin detection. It is suitable for the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, animal health, and environmental industries.
Optimal Bacterial Extraction
Bacterial extraction occurs during blending, without risk of cross-contamination. The sample is then ready to be analyzed.
Adjustable Blending Power
The blending chamber adapts itself to the nature and the size of the sample for optimal bacterial extraction.
Click & Clean
Click & Clean click-on paddles allow complete cleaning of the unit. This patented system allows you to click-off and click-on the paddles in one second to access the entire blending chamber.
Q-Tight Closure
Designed to prevent capillary rise and leakage from the top of the bag during blending.
Adjust the time and blending speed according to the nature and volume of the sample: from 1 second to open-running.
The MiniMix has a lifetime warranty on shock absorbers. Simply send back the warranty card and receive a free 3-year warranty extension.