Eppendorf Maxitips P, to remove liquid from smaller vessels, 100 pcs.


Regular Price CA$444.00 Special Price CA$355.20

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The Eppendorf Maxitip are tailored to different vessels. Select the right Eppendorf Maxitip which meets your needs. The Eppendorf Maxitip P is designed for aspirating 1 mL to 10 mL, for example from beakers. The Eppendorf Maxitip S for 2.5 mL to 10 mL forms a system with the Maxitip and is used for aspirating liquid from tall, narrow-necked vessels.

  • Pipetting aqueous solutions
  • Extraction of liquids from deep receptacles
  • Transfer of organic liquids (alcohols, org. acids etc.)
  • Transfer of solvents with high vapour pressure (e.g. diethyl ether)
  • Transfer of liquids with high density
  • Transfer of viscous liquids
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