Multiple Gas Analyzer #5 (MG#5)

Unfortunately there is no single column that can separate: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane, CO, CO2, Ethane/Ethylene, Water, Propane, Butane, and Pentane. Over the years, SRI Instruments has devised several solutions to this analytical problem, starting with the MultipleGas#1 configuration and evolving to the present MultipleGas#5 configuration.
The Thermal Conductivity Detector can detect all the molecules listed above from 200ppm to 100% concentration (using helium or hydrogen carrier gas, and using argon carrier gas the TCD can detect H2 from 10ppm to 100%. The Flame Ionization Detector can detect hydrocarbons from 1ppm up, and with the Methanizer attachment, CO and CO2 down to 1ppm.
This model, is highly customizable, as are most of our GCs. It can be modified to have a third valve, more detectors, and more columns.
- Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
- Flame Ionization Detector (FID), (usually equipped with a Methanizer)
- Two 10-Port Gas Sampling Valves
- .5 meter Hayesep D pre-column
- 2 meter Hayesep D column
- 1.5 meter Moleseive 5A column
- 6 channel PeakSimple USB data system