Educational FID GC

The Educational FID Gas Chromatograph (GC) makes a slight sacrifice of versatility in exchange for the low price.
This system is ideal for undergraduate chemistry classes or graduate level research, because of its low cost and complete upgradeability* with our wide selection of SRI detectors and injectors. These educational models are only available to educational institution customers. No retail sales permitted.
The Educational FID GC system must use hydrogen as a carrier gas to feed the flame of the FID, cannot be plumbed with a valve, can only be equipped with 1 detector, an oven max temperature of 300°C, and can only have an on-column injection port. The GC can be upgraded after purchase, but must be shipped as is.
The carrier gas (hydrogen) is controlled by a programmable electronic pressure control module (EPC). EPCs not only provide retention time reproducibility, but allow the carrier gas to be pressure ramped (just as the column oven is temperature ramped) from the built-in PeakSimple data system.
The on-column injector is ideal for 1/8" packed and 0.53mm wide bore capillary columns, and with an appropriate column, suitable for analyses ranging from methane to heavy, high-boiling hydrocarbons (C40+). The column oven accepts column cage diameters up to four inches, is programmable to 300°C, and recycles quickly with its high speed cool-down fans.
- FID detector
- On-column injector
- Built in whisper quiet air compressor
- 6 foot Haysep D packed column
- Temperature programmable column oven
- Electronic pressure control (EPC) for carrier
- Must use hydrogen as carrier gas
- 6 channel PeakSimple data system on the ultra compact 310 chassis
This chromatogram shows the separation of 1000 ppm C1-C6hydrocarbons in room air using an Educational FID GC.
*NOTE: Because of batch manufacturing efficiencies, educational models are less expensive than equivalent GC's manufactured to order.
No customization of educational models is available prior to initial sale, although normal factory retrofit services are available after delivery.