WEBINAR | One System, Two Solutions: Advanced PFAS & Cyanotoxin Testing for Safer Water
On demand | 60 min.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of persistent and harmful chemicals that can be found in a variety of environmental samples, including drinking water, wastewater, biosolids, soils, air, and animal tissue. With concerns rising quickly about the health risks associated with PFAS exposure, along with the ongoing development and implementation of regulations across the world, it is important to ensure proper monitoring of these chemicals in the environment.
Shimadzu offers a variety of analytical solutions for PFAS testing in environmental samples in accordance with standardized PFAS analytical methods, such as:
- Drinking water: EPA Methods 537.1 and EPA 533.
- Wastewater: EPA Method 1633 and ASTM Method D8421.
- Groundwater, surface water and leachates: SW-846 Method 8327, EPA Method 1633 and ASTM Method D8421.
- Soil and biosolids: EPA Method 1633 and ASTM Method D8535.
- Tissues: EPA Method 1633.
Shimadzu’s ready-to-use method packages and other vetted applications also address PFAS analysis requirements from the American Department of Defense (DOD) and can be used to rapidly start new analytical workflows in your laboratory, using Single Quadrupole, Triple Quadrupole or Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers, in combination with LabSolutions and Insight software.
These solutions will enable you to efficiently implement PFAS analysis workflows in your laboratory.
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