The analytical method and sample pretreatment method to be used depend on the degree to which a contaminant is to be characterized, whether or not the substance is altered or destroyed due to pretreatment, and the speed that is required to complete the analysis. Introduced here is an example of actual analysis of various types of foreign matter entered during the food manufacturing process.
EDX and
FTIR techniques in conjunction with one another permits a more detailed elucidation of contaminant characteristics, thereby enhancing the validity of the respective results. This note presents an example of the analysis of various types of foreign matter entered during the food manufacturing process.
Check out their application note here. -->
EDX and FTIR are widely used for analysis of foreign contaminant matter, but recently, these instruments are increasingly being utilized in tandem to conduct contaminant analysis.
While identification using any of these instruments and analytical methods independently is limited to some degree, using them in conjunction with one another permits a more detailed elucidation of the contaminant characteristics, thereby enhancing the validity of the respective results.

The analytical method and sample pretreatment method to be used depend on the degree to which a contaminant is to be characterized, whether or not the substance is altered or destroyed due to pretreatment, and the speed that is required to complete the analysis. Introduced here is an example of actual analysis of various types of foreign matter entered during the food manufacturing process.
EDX and
FTIR techniques in conjunction with one another permits a more detailed elucidation of contaminant characteristics, thereby enhancing the validity of the respective results. This note presents an example of the analysis of various types of foreign matter entered during the food manufacturing process.
Check out their application note here.