Researchers at the University of Barcelona Enteric Virus Laboratory set out to optimize current FDA and ISO protocols for assessing virus contamination on fresh produce.

The Goal

To improve efficiency, reduce turnaround time, and learn how infectious viruses persist in leafy greens and berries throughout post-harvest storage and disinfection processes.

The Method

InnovaPrep Concentrating Pipette was used for virus concentration (Hepatitis A virus (HAV); and Human noroviruses GI.6 and GII.4) paired with novel capsid integrity PMAxx assays compared against the ISO, FDA, and an aluminum hydroxide adsorption-precipitation (AlCl3) method.

The Results

Overall, the Concentrating Pipette (CP) method shows a [35%'> lower turnaround time and satisfactory recoveries for both matrices.


This research was presented at the Center for Produce Safety (CPS) Research Symposium 2024.
View the poster:  Improving Methods for the Assessment of Infectious Human Enteric Virus Survival in Produce

Related Publication - Concentration of foodborne viruses eluted from fresh and frozen produce: Applicability of ultrafiltration
Trudel-Ferland, et al.


The Concentrating Pipette CP Select™ System excels in recovering bacteria, parasites, molds, fungal spores and fragments, whole cells and viruses from relatively large sample volumes. The one-pass method uses robust filtration followed by instant sample recovery using InnovaPrep's patented Wet Foam Elution™ process delivering a highly concentrated sample that improves sensitivity for detection by any analysis method – including culture, PCR, and sequencing – with unprecedented speed and efficiency.
